Thursday, 23 February 2017

Week two, part Deux!

Well done to the six students who successfully navigated their assessed talks this morning.

The subjects were again varied and stimulated lots of discussion and questions. The topics today were: Fad Diets / Nutrition, Health Anxiety, Korsakoff's Syndrome, Depression, Crohn's Disease and Alcoholism.

As I have requested each week, it would be great to hear from the presenters today to share their own thoughts on today's presentation session in the comments section below.

Well done all.



  1. Enjoyed learning about things I had no idea about. Well done everyone :)

  2. Great comment anonymous! I agree, this was definitely a session where lots of learning went on where we heard some very interesting thoughts from all the presenters. Thank you.

  3. I enjoyed the presentations, I was even more surprised that I managed to do mine without any problems. Everyone done really well, great topics with lots of relevant information. Lisa

  4. Thanks Lisa, this is very good feedback indeed and you certainly got through your talk with no problems at all. There were certainly some excellent topics and a wheen of knowledge gained by me too as the 'non specialist' in the audience.

  5. First of all well done to everyone, a variety of topics with great detail in each in every single presentation presented. I think one positive outcome for me was I left feeling I knew my group that little bit more, having the confidence to bring in some personal experiences and share this was fantastic.

  6. Yes, I think that's very positive feedback in terms of learning about and from each other, which is extremely important in terms of lifelong learning. Great stuff.
